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Home > Babycook® FAQ > Why is my Babycook leaking water?
Why is my Babycook leaking water?
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Leakage can be caused by a variety of issues. It is best to check each one to ensure your product is working properly.

1. Check the gasket and ensure that it is properly assembled under the knife blade. The gasket should be mounted with the thin edge of the gasket touching the metal part of the bowl. Please watch the video that is part of this article to make sure that your gasket is properly attached to the blade and bowl.

IF there is no gasket underneath the blade or if the gasket is work out or ripped. You must replace the gasket. Use the additional gasket supplied with your product or open a ticket with us to order parts.

2. The bowl is cracked or broken. Open a ticket with us to order parts.

3. There is a significant gap between the silicone nozzle on the outside of the steam reservoir and the bowl lid so some steam comes out, creating water drops along with casing. Replace the bowl if excessive amounts of water are escaping. However, some water droplets are normal. Open a ticket with us to order parts.

4. There is no nut on the knife blade. Reattach the nut. Correctly fasten the nut with the flat side in contact with the metal part of the bowl and turn the nut counter-clockwise. If your locking nut is missing, open a ticket with us to order parts.

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How to attach blade and gasket.MOV
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